Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan is a 4 km long beach with creamy beige color sand, coconut trees and very clear water. Until recently Nacpan beach was not much discovered by travelers. It now became the place where tourists must go if they are traveling to El Nido Palawan. In 2016, Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan was elected 10th best beach by the website trip advisor.

There are big islands surrounding Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan that provide some cover for the sea. Depending on the season and the wind the waves can be big or sometimes the sea will be super calm, during summer for example.

The place is breathtaking since you will front open sea while you have islands on the two sides. The two islands located on the side of Nacpan beach, El Nido, Palawan, actually have a little mountain on it that you can climb and enjoy a wonderful view, perfect spot for pictures.

Most of the travelers going to El Nido Palawan are now always putting on their bucket list Napcan Beach.

Where is Nacpan Beach located?

Nacpan beach El Nido, Palawan is located 17 km away from El Nido Palawan town proper. El Nido Palawan is a city that you can find on the top of the island of Palawan. In order to reach that place you can either fly directly from Manila to El Nido Palawan with the private company Airswift. This is also a way to make the trip from Manila to Puerto Princesa and then to reach El Nido Palawan by van. You can also travel by boat from Coron to El Nido Palawan and then you will be able to reach Napacan beach.

Read: How to get to El Nido Palawan from Coron?

Why visit Nacpan beach in El Nido, Palawan

Nacpan beach El Nido, Palawan is a beach that stretches for 4 km with palm trees, blue warm water, and clear sand. The scenery is breathtaking. There are a couple of reasons why you should definitely visit Nacpan beach, El Nido, Palawan. First, the sea is very nice to swim in: warm and clear. You can just decide to sit in and relax just nearby. It is actually well known to be a romantic place, perfect to take wedding or couple pictures. Since Napcan Beach, El Nido, Palawan is very long, you will always be able to find an area just for yourself if you want to enjoy it without crowds around. That will be the main difference with El Nido Palawan which can be often very busy in pick season. Recently some new hotels and a glamping area have been built, perfect to experience Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan in a different way.

After spending some day on the boat in El Nido Palawan you will be happy to go back a bit on land and to reach Nacpan Beach.

You can also schedule a one day trip going to Nacpan as well as visiting the waterfall which is not so far. You can book such a day tour in the town of El Nido Palawan.

How to get to Nacpan Beach?

From El Nido Palawan and in order to reach Nacpan Beach Palawan you need to drive around 45 minutes. You have two choices: youcan either take a trike and it will be more or less 1000 pesos or you can go for a bit more expensive but faster and more comfortable: a van. The van or the trike will wait for you there until you are done visiting the place. Of course you should agree with him about how long you will enjoy Nacpan beach El Nido, Palawan. Napcan Beach El Nido, Palawan is not located along the main road so it will be hard for you to find another pick up. So you better organize in advance your way to come to El Nido Palawan if you don’t want to stay there.

The last option is actually to rent your own bike in town, in El Nido Palawan and then you won’t have to handle schedule management and you can enjoy the place as long as you wish. Before that make sure you are comfortable about driving on bumpy roads.

In order to enjoy the place you need to schedule to spend at least a few hours there.

What can I expect to do at Nacpan Beach Palawan?

Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan is still relatively quieter than other destinations in the Philippines. This is a fact to consider if you wish to visit a more secluded place. Once you reach Napcan you will be able to immerse yourself in a 4km beach and enjoy.

Despite the fact that Nacpan beach, El Nido, Palawan became a famous place to go in the Philippines , it mostly hosts only a few tourists at a time. This is the perfect location to spend a day. In only one area you will be able to find different type of activities either if you more looking for relaxation or for adventure:

  • Snorkeling: closed by the lifeguard station there are some nice spots where you can have a look. It is exactly on your ride side near the stretch or rocks. Depending on the period of the year, visibility can be good and if so you will be able to see different types of fishes.
  • Relaxing by the beach: one of the perfect activities to do in Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan is to find a place where you can just run out of a long chair and relax. Since the beach can have sand fly it is always better to avoid sitting directly on the sand. While resting you can also order a cocktail to the local restaurant in order to just relax and enjoy the view. If you are more in a party mood some other fancy bars are offering drinks and sometimes playing house music.
  • Go to the overlooking point: you can grab some choice and reach the top of the little mountain separating El Nido Nacpan Beach, Palawan from calitang beach. Then the hike is not that long and you can have very nice pictures. Calitang can be referred to as the little Nacpan beach, but actually Nacpan will always look the best.
  • Try the local food: Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan has different restaurants. They serve local and also international food. For sure if you want to have the cheapest option you should go for Filipino food. You can enjoy some fresh delicious seafood or local vegetables. Do be on the rush since sometimes it can take a while to be served depending on where you would eat.
  • Get a massage directly by the beach: for around 500 pesos you will be able to get a massage directly by the beach of Napacan Beach, El Nido Palawan. What is better than having a massage in such a wonderful open space? They will let you choose a strong, medium or light pressure. Some therapists can be fantastic!
  • Visit local villages around: the locals around Nacpan beach, El Nido, Palawan are always very nice and welcoming people. They often speak at least a little English and they are good to give advice. Please avoid taking pictures without asking them first since sometimes they won’t be comfortable and make sure you are wearing clothes and not only a bikini before entering a village. Filipino people can be shy when they see travelers lightly dressed, so you better consider visiting the village. Up to recently villages around Nacpan Beach were mostly hosting local fishermen using small Filipino banka (local boat) . It is not that old that the beach has been developing a lot. You can still feel the countryside vibe in this kind of place.

Is there an entrance fee in Nacpan Beach El Nido?

There is no proper entrance fee if you already paid the environmental fee from EL Nido Palawan of 200 pesos which is about 3,5 euros. Make sure to bring the paper with you, if you don’t have it the guard will ask you to buy a new one.

Where to stay in Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan

For a few years, you can now stay overnight at Nacpan Beach El Nido Palawan. Your choice will depend on the type of stay you are looking for. Boutique resorts will offer a more intimate stay while hostels will help you to meet people and experience a fun island experience.

If you are looking for a difference you can try out the glamping at Nacpan beach El Nido, Palawan. It will offer you a memorable stay since you will glamp by the beach under the stars. It is better to book in advance since it can be full very fast. They also have some all inclusive options which can be nice to consider since there are not a lot of restaurants around. The tents are facing the beach which is nice to feel the breeze from the ocean and to wake up with this view.

There is also one hostel offering affordable accommodation: Mad Monkey Hostel. Please keep in mind that if you want to stay in Nacpan you will always have to hire a trike or van to go to El Nido Palawan, which can be pricey unless you have your own bike. You can also check with them if they have the option of a boat departing directly from there. They also have their own restaurant and bar. Definitely one of the most affordable options!

Another option will be to stay in a nice accommodation such as Jack’s place in Nacpan Beach El Nido, Palawan. If you are looking for something different than a hostel vibe it will be your place!

More and more travelers coming to El Nido Palawan make the choice to stay at Nacpan in order to experience a more relaxing stay than in the busy town. As said earlier you just need to consider that you will have limited options for a boat trip departing from there to visit the Bacuit Bay.

Why is Nacpan Beach famous?

Nacpan beach El Nido, Palawan is famous since this is the longest beach of the island. It stretches about 4 km long.

What is trivia about Nacpan Beach?

Make sure to bring some sandfly lotion before you will be visiting Nacpan beach El Nido, Palawan since travelers often get bitten.

Is Nacpan beach good for snorkeling?

Nacpan beach hosts some places which are good for snorkeling located on the left side of the beach near the stretch of rocks.

What is the most popular beach in El Nido Palawan?

One of the most popular beaches in El Nido Palawan is definitely Nacpan beach since it is the longest of the island.